摘 要: 研究噪声对作业工人窦性心率震荡(heart rate turbulence,HRT)的影响。方法 选取某公司动力车间单纯接触噪声的作业人员96人,同时选取同一单位不接触噪声的工作人员95人,均进行24 h动态心电图检查,其中接触噪声的作业人员中动态心电图检查有室性早搏能够测量HRT的51人作为接触组,不接触噪声的工作人员中有室性早搏能测量HRT的49人作为对照组,两组人员经动态心电图分析软件得出HRT的两个指标,震荡初始(turbulence onset, TO)及震荡斜率(turbulence slope, TS)。HRT阳性标准为TO≥0,TS≤2.5 ms/RRI。按照TO及TS的结果进行HRT分类,HRT0类:TO<0且TS>2.5 ms/RRI;HRT1类:TO≥0或TS≤2.5 ms/RRI;HRT2类:TO≥0并且TS≤2.5 ms/RRI。比较接触组与对照组各指标的差异。结果 接触组TO值[(-0.01±3.18)%]较对照组TO值[(-1.72±2.09)%]增高(P﹤0.05);接触组TS值[(7.23±4.33 )ms/RRI]较对照组TS值[(9.72±5.03)ms/RRI]降低(P﹤0.05);HRT0在接触组中的构成比(41.2%)明显低于对照组(79.6%)(P﹤0.05);HRT1在接触组中的构成比(39.2%)明显高于对照组(16.3%)(P﹤0.05);HRT2在接触组中的构成比(19.6%)明显高于对照组(4.1%)(P﹤0.05)。结论 噪声作业工人窦性心率震荡现象减弱,提示噪声接触可引起作业工人自主经功能紊乱。 |
关键词: 噪声 心血管系统 窦性心率震荡 |
基金项目: 上海市第四轮公共卫生三年行动计划重点学科建设项目(编号:15GWZK0201) |
The effect of noise on heart rate turbulence in workers |
Yan Ruoyu*,Zheng Xiaohong, Wang Weihui, Yan Wanyu, HuangJianshu, Zhang Xuetao
The Health Monitoring Center, Shanghai Institute of Occupational Medicine for Chemical Industry, Shanghai 200041,China
Abstract: To investigate the effect of occupational noise on heart rate turbulence in workers. Methods A total of 96 workers exposed to occupational noise and 95 workers with non-noise exposure were chosen for examination of 24 h ambulatory electrocardiograph. A total of 51 workers who exposed to occupational noise showed ventricular premature complexes in records of 24 h ambulatory electrocardiograph were enrolled as exposed group. In workers with non-noise exposure,49 workers who showed ventricular premature complexes in records of 24 h ambulatory electrocardiograph were enrolled as control group. Turbulence onset (TO) and turbulence slope (TS) were determined by 24 h Holter, TO and TS were dichotomized at predefined cut points(TO≥0%,TS≤2.5ms/RRI).HRT was classified into three categories: HRT0(both TO and TS were normal TO<0%,TS>2.5ms/RRI),HRT1(TO≥0%,TS≤2.5ms/RRI) and HRT2(TO≥0%,TS≥2.5ms/RRI). The value of above indexes was compared between two groups. Results Compared with the control group,the levels of TO in exposed group were significantly higher.[(-0.01±3.18)% VS (-1.72±2.09)%] while the level of TS was significantly lower than that in exposed group[(7.23±4.33 )ms/RRI VS (9.72±5.03) ms/RRI] (P<0.05). The proportion of HRT0 in exposed group was significantly lower than that in control group(41.2% VS 79.6%) (P<0.05). The proportion of HRT1 and HRT2 in exposed group was significantly higher than that in control group(39.2% VS 16.3%) (19.6% VS 4.1%) (P<0.05).Conclusion HRT showed significantly blunted in workers exposed to noise, which suggests that occupational noise exposure can result in impairment of cardiac autonomic nerve’s activity. |
Keywords: noise cardiovascular system heart rate turbulence |