摘 要: 对症状自评量表简化版(SCL-54)在女性医疗卫生人员心理健康调查中应用的信度效度进行评价,以了解其应用的可靠性及有效性。方法 组织专家探索简化和优化症状自评量表,最终确定54题症状自评量表简化版。2017年应用症状自评量表简化版(SCL-54)在某县开展女性医疗卫生人员心理健康调查,并对信度效度进行评价,以了解其应用的可靠性及有效性。结果 收集有效问卷2385份,问卷有效率98.88%。区分度0.497~0.813;信度分析中Cronbach's α系数0.775~0.908,问卷总体的Cronbach's α系数为0.979;Guttman Split-Half系数0.646~0.890。效度分析中各因子分量表和总量表的相关介于0.741~0.916,各因子分量表和总量表的相关均超过其他因子分量表间的相关;主成分极大方差旋转因子法进行分析表明:抽取特征值大于1的因子,10个因子分量表均抽取1个因子,总量表抽取6个因子,累计解释变异数63.15%。结论 简化版症状自评量表在中国女性医疗卫生人员中应用的区分度、信度、内容效度较好,但结构效度欠佳。 |
关键词: 症状自评量表简化版 女性医疗卫生人员 信度 效度 |
基金项目: 妇女健康生殖健康和心理健康调查(决策咨询类课题)(项目编号:FH20151101) |
Evaluation of reliability and validity of simplified version of symptom checklist 90 in mental health assessment of female medical personnels |
WANG Zi-huan, YU Wen-lan, LU Can-jian, SHEN Zhuang, YE Yan, LI Haihong, HU Li, YU Guixin,
SUN Li-geng
Beijing Center for Diseases Control and Prevention & Research Center of Preventive Medicine, Beijing 100020, China
Abstract: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the simplified symptom checklist 90 (scl-54) in the mental health survey of female medical personnels. Methods Through the simplification and optimization by experts, the symptom checklist 90, 54 symptoms were selected for use in the simplified version. In 2017, the simplified version of the symptom checklist (SCL-54) was applied in a mental health survey of female medical and health personnels in a certain county for assessing and understand its reliability and validity. Results The results showed that the total of 2385 valid questionnaires were collected, the questionnaire efficiency rate was 98.88%; the discrimination degree was 0.497~0.813;the reliability analysis, indicated that the Cronbach's α was 0.775~0.908, and the overall coefficient of Cronbach's α was 0.979; the Guttman Split-Half coefficient was 0.646~0.890; The correlation between each component subscale and total score in validity analysis was between 0.741 and 0.916, the correlation between each subscale and total score were all higher than that between the subscales; the principal component maximum variance rotation factor analysis showed that if factors with characteristic values greater than 1 were extracted, and 1 factor was extracted from all 10 subcales and 6 factors were extracted from the total table, the accumulated explain variance was 63.15%. Conclusion The results suggested that the application of simplified symptom checklist in female medical and health personnels showed good discrimination, reliability, content validity, but the construct validity was poor. |
Keywords: simplified version of symptom checklist 90 female medical health personnels reliability validity |