摘 要: 了解石油化工企业倒班作业男性工人患代谢综合征的情况,以保障职业人群的健康。方法 采用整群抽样的方法,选取某石油化工企业967名倒班作业的男性工人为研究对象。采用自行设计的《个人健康状况与饮食习惯》调查表对工人的基本资料、职业史、职业危害因素接触情况、心血管疾病家族史、工作类型、运动情况、饮食习惯和倒班情况进行调查。根据倒班工龄的四分位数间距把研究人群按倒班工龄≤3年、3年<倒班工龄≤6年、6年<倒班工龄≤10.5年、倒班工龄>10.5年、分为1~4组,并比较四组男性工人代谢综合征5个危险因子的差异,应用二分类多因素的Logistic回归模型探讨倒班工龄与代谢综合征患病率的关系。结果 四组人群腰围、收缩压、舒张压、甘油三酯和空腹血糖水平比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),以第4组最高;四组人群的中心性肥胖、血压异常、血糖异常、高甘油三酯和代谢综合征检出率,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),以第4组的血糖异常和代谢综合征检出率最高,分别是0.5%和3.3%。二分类多因素Logistic回归分析显示,倒班工龄>6年患代谢综合征的风险增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);倒班工龄>10.5年患代谢综合征的风险最高,为倒班工龄<3年的7.348倍。结论 倒班作业可增加代谢综合征的患病风险;倒班工龄与代谢综合征的患病率之间存在相关性。 |
关键词: 倒班作业 代谢综合征 石油化工 |
基金项目: 广东省职业病防治重点实验室开放运行(2017年度考核合格)(项目编号:2017B030314152);广东省医学科研基金(项目编号:B2018251) |
Investigation on prevalence of metabolic syndrome among male shift-workers |
CHEN Si-zhi,LIU Qing-feng,WU Jian-zhi,LI Min,LI Xue-yi,WANG Hai-lan
Guangdong Provincial Occupational Disease Prevention Center, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory
of Occupational Disease Control, Guangzhou 510300, China
Abstract: To study the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among male shift-workers of petrochemical enterprise, thereby offer some data for protection of occupational workers’ health. Methods The cluster sampling method was used, 967 male shift workers of a petrochemical enterprise were selected as research objects. A self-designed ‘Personal Health Status and Eating Habits’ questionnaire was used to investigate some basic situation, such as occupational history, exposure to occupational hazards , family history of cardiovascular disease, type of work, physical exercise, eating habits, and shifts situation, etc.. The workers were divided into four groups according to the shifting-service year:less than 3 years ( group 1), more than 3 years and less than 6 years ( group 2), more than 6 years and less than 10.5 years (group 3) and more than 10.5 years (group 4), then, compare the differences of five risk factors of metabolic syndrome among four groups, and two-classified multi-factor logistic regression model was applied to explore the relationship between the working-age and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Results The results showed that there were significant differences in waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, blood triglyceride and fasting blood glucose levels among four groups (P<0.05), group 4 was the highest; there was significant difference as well in positive rates of central obesity, abnormal blood pressure, abnormal blood glucose, high triglycerides, and metabolic syndrome among four groups (P<0.05), group 4 showed highest positive rates in abnormal blood glucose and metabolic syndrome were 0.5% and 3.3%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of suffering metabolic syndrome was increased when shift year over 6 years (P<0.05), the risk of suffering metabolic syndrome in shift working age more than 10.5 years was the highest, which was 7.348 times higher than group 1. Conclusion The results suggested that shift work could increase the risk of suffering metabolic syndrome, there seemed a correlation between shift working age and prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome. |
Keywords: work metabolic syndrome petrochemical enterprises |