摘 要: 了解我国标龄5年以上的职业卫生标准(OHS)应用情况。方法 运用异质性方便抽样,选取疾控中心、职防院所、用人单位、第三方技术服务机构从事职业卫生工作的201人进行小组访谈,总结职业卫生标准使用过程中存在的问题。结果 调查对象共涉及13个省,从业年限中位数13年,专业类别以职业卫生最多,其次为工程类和分析检测类。职业卫生标准应用存在对标准属性不了解、标准制(修)订过程中征求意见阶段社会参与度不够、标准宣贯力度不够等诸多问题。结论 职业卫生标准体系需进一步完善,系统梳理职业卫生标准,改进标准制(修)订程序,创新职业卫生标准宣传贯彻模式。 |
关键词: 职业卫生标准(OHS) 应用分析 小组访谈 |
基金项目: |
Investigation on application of 34 occupational health standards over five years of standard age |
LIU Tuo, QIN Peng, XIE Xiao-shuang, ZHU Qiu-hong
(National Institute of Occupational Health and Poison Control,Chinese Center of Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100050,China)
Abstract: Objective To understand the application situation of occupational health standards ( OHS) over five years standard age in China. Methods Through heterogeneous convenient sampling, 201 persons engaged in occupational health work from CDC, occupational health institutes, enterprises and third-party technical service institutions, respectively were selected for group interview and summarized the problems in the use of these OHS. Results A total of 13 provinces were surveyed, the median of working years was 13 years, the most profession of them was occupational health, the second was engineering and assay or determination. The results showed that the major problems in applications of these OHS including not familiar with standard attritute, insufficient social participation at the stage of soliciting opinions in development and revision processes of standards,insufficient publicity and implementation of standards, etc. Conclusion It is suggested that the OHS system should be further improved, the OHS should be systematically combed, the procedure of the development & revision of standard should be improved, and the publicity and implementation model of OHS should be innovated. |
Keywords: occupational health standards(OHS) application analysis group interview |