摘 要: 电子制造业的兴起使其人力资源需求增大,劳动者的职业健康问题值得关注。工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs)是一种常见的工作相关疾病,在许多国家已列为职业病。本文概述了电子制造业工人的患病情况,探讨影响电子制造业工人WMSDs的危险因素,为有效控制职业性肌肉骨骼损伤提供帮助。 |
关键词: 工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs) 电子制造业 工人 |
中图分类号: R68
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 广州市医学重点学科建设项目(穗卫科教[2016]27号);广州市“121人才梯队工程”后备人才项目(穗人社发[2011]167号);中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所职业健康风险评估与国家职业卫生标准制订项目(编号:131031109000150003) |
Research progress on work-related musculoskeletal disorders in electronics manufacturing workers |
MA Yu-ying,LIU Ke-ping,RUAN Yan-mei,LIU Yi-min,YANG Yan,PENG Zhi-heng,JIA Ning,WANG Zhong-xu
Guangzhou Twelfth People's Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou510620,China
Abstract: The rise of electronics manufacturing industry increases the demand for human resources,thus the occupational health of workers in this industry deserves more attention as well. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a kind of common work-related illness and have been classified as occupational diseases in many countries. This article outlines the current state of researches on work-related musculoskeletal disorders and its prevalence in electronics manufacturing industry,additionally. it also analyzes the risk factors affecting musculoskeletal disorders in electronics manufacturing workers,thereby offers useful help for subsequent studies on this disorders. |
Keywords: work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs) electronics manufacturing worker |