摘 要: 目的 研究工效学基本因素检查表(BRIEF)和工作姿势分析系统(OWAS)在医护人员职业性肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs)评估中的信效度。方法 应用BRIEF和OWAS方法对某三甲医院194名医护人员的作业活动进行观察评分,利用SPSS20.0对两种量表的分值进行分析,采用重测者信度、评价者间信度、克朗巴哈α系数(Cronbach’s α系数)和折半信度进行信度检验;采用结构效度进行效度检验。结果 BRIEF量表和OWAS量表重测信度组内相关系数(ICC)分别为0.659~0.983和0.655~0.962,评价者间信度ICC分别为0.650~0.984和0.655~0.934,Cronbach’s α系数分别为0.727和0.347,折半信度系数为0.694和0.403。BRIEF量表得分因子分析中,提取特征根>1的公因子3个,公因子方差均大于0.4,累积贡献率为61.952%。OWAS量表提取特征根>1的公因子1个,累积方差贡献率为34.560%。结论 BRIEF量表在医疗行业应用中具有良好的信效度,通过适当改进可适用于医护人员肌肉骨骼疾患不良工效学因素的识别和评估;OWAS量表在信效度检验中效果不佳,不建议在医疗行业中普遍使用。 |
关键词: 工效学基本因素检查表(BRIEF) 工作姿势分析系统(OWAS) 职业性肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs) 医护人员 信度 效度 |
中图分类号: R135;R68
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所职业健康风险评估与国家职业卫生标准制定项目(项目号:131031109000150003) |
Reliability and validity of BRIEF and OWAS in assessment of occupational musculoskeletal diseases of medical staff |
Liu Fei, Jia Ning, Sun Jing-zhi, Zhang Xi, Wang shao-jia,Wang Zhong-xu, Ling Rui-jie
Hubei Provicial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine/ Hubei Provincial Hospital of Occupational Diseases,Wuhan 430030,China
Abstract: Objectives Our aim was to evaluate the reliability and validity of baseline risk identification of ergonomic factor (BRIEF) and ovako working posture analysis system (OWAS) in the assessment of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of medical personnel. Methods BRIEF and OWAS were used to score the operational work activities of 194 medical staff in a Grade A Class Three hospital, SPSS20.0 ( statistical package for the social science ) was used to analyze the scores of the two scales; the reliability test was conducted by retester reliability, interevaluators reliability, Cronbach's α coefficient and split half reliability,and structural validity was applied for validity test. Results The results showed that the interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were 0.659 to 0.983 and 0.655 to 0.962 respectively, tested by BRIEF and OWAS scales for retester reliability, the ICC for inter-evaluators were 0.650 to 0.984 and 0.655 to 0.934, respectively, while the Cronbach's α coefficient and split half coefficient were 0.727, 0.694 for BRIEF and 0.347, 0.403 for OWAS, respectively. In the score factor analysis of BRIEF scale, 3 common factors with characteristic root>1 were extracted, the common factor variances were all >0.4, the cumulative contribution rate was 61.952%. Meanwhile, the common factor with characteristic root >1 extratced from OWAS was only one, and its cumulative variance contribution rate was 34.560%. Conclusions The results suggested that the BRIEF scale has good reliability and validity in the application of medical profession, and can be applied in the identification and evaluation of adverse ergonomic factors for musculoskeletal disorders in medical staff through appropriate improvement. But the OWAS scale did not perform well in reliability and validity tests and will be not recommended to used in the medical profession. |
Keywords: baseline risk identification of ergonomic factors(BRIEF) ovako working posture analyzing system(OWAS) work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs) medical staff reliability validity |