摘 要: 目的 分析职业听力健康领域的研究趋势及热点,为该领域的研究提供参考。方法 在Web of Science(WoS)知识服务平台Web of Science核心库(WoSCC)中进行检索,以“occupational hearing health”作为关键词,由VOSviewer v.1.6.10构建图谱,将该领域中的文献年度出版数量、国家/地区分布、国际合作、作者发表率、发表期刊、参考文献引用情况和关键词做可视化分析。结果 在WoS上共检索出928篇相关文献,美国在相关文献发表的国家中排名最高,美国国家职业安全卫生研究所(NIOSH)是从事该领域研究并发文最活跃的机构,《美国工业医学杂志》(American Journal of Industrial Medicine)发文最多。通过分析,核心关键词群共形成了四个聚类:(1)职业性噪声的暴露与防护,(2)听力损失的流行病学分布,(3)职业性听力损失的发病特点研究,(4)职业性噪声暴露引发的其他健康问题。结论 文献计量学分析可以加深对职业听力健康研究的深入了解,并可为研究人员确定潜在的合作伙伴提供有价值的信息,进一步指明研究方向。 |
关键词: 计量学分析 VOSviewer 职业性听力损失 |
中图分类号: TB53
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 中央引导地方科技发展专项(19ZYPTYS00010) |
Bibliometric analysis on research trend and hotspot in field of occupational hearing health |
Occupational Health Institute of Tianjin,BoHai Chemical Industry Group Corporation,Limited,Tianjin,300051,China
Abstract: Objective To analyze the research trend and hotspot in the field of occupational hearing health. Methods Based on the Web of Science Core Collection(WoSCC),and “occupational hearing health”as the key word,a bibliometric analysis was carried out. The map was constructed by VOSviewer v.1.6.10 to visualize the annual publication number,distri-bution of countries/regions,international collaborations,publication rate of authors,published journals,cited references,and keywords in this field. Results The results showed that there were a total of 928 related literatures retrieved in WoS,the United States ranked the highest among the countries that published relevant literatures,the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH)was the most active organisms in studies and publications on this field,and the American Journal of Industrial Medicine was leading journal in publications on occupational hearing health field. According to analysis,the keywords might be divided to four clusters:(1)exposure and protection of occupational noise;(2)epidemiological distribution of hearing loss;(3)effect of occupational process on auditory system;(4)other health problems caused by occupational noise exposure. Conclusion The results suggested that the bibliometric analysis of literatures can deepen the in-depth understanding on occupational hearing health research,provide valuable information for researchers to identify potential collaborators,indicate the direction of research. |
Keywords: bibliometric analysis VOSviewer occupational hearing loss |