摘 要: 目的 分析建筑业工人多部位工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs)的患病情况及其影响因素。方法 采用方便抽样方法,抽取我国辽宁、广东、山东、北京等省市8家建筑企业共计453名建筑工人作为研究对象,采用电子版《肌肉骨骼疾患调查问卷》进行WMSDs患病情况调查,多因素Logistic回归方法分析其影响因素。结果 建筑工人WMSDs总发生率为43.7%;身体各部位WMSDs发生率由高到低依次为腰背部(24.1%)、肩部(18.3%)、颈部(14.6%)、上背部(12.4%)、手腕部(12.1%)、足踝部(6.0%)、腿部(5.5%)、膝部(5.1%)及肘部(5.1%);单一部位WMSDs发生率为14.8%,多部位(同时发生≥2个部位)WMSDs发生率为28.9%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,搬运重物≥10 kg/次、以不舒服姿势工作、颈部长时间保持同一姿势、经常替同事上班的员工罹患多部位WMSDs的风险升高,OR(95%CI)分别为1.884(1.120~3.169)、5.223(2.856~9.551)、2.587(1.580~4.238),2.198(1.209~3.997)。与辅助工种相比,木工罹患多部位WMSDs的风险更高[OR(95%CI)为2.813(1.409~5.617)]。结论 建筑业工人WMSDs患病风险较高,且多部位发病较单一部位更为常见,其影响因素包括个体、不良工效学及工作组织因素,相关部门需制定并落实有效的防控策略,以降低建筑业工人WMSDs的发病风险。 |
关键词: 工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs) 多部位 建筑工人 影响因素 |
中图分类号: R135;R68
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所职业健康风险评估与国家职业卫生标准制定项目(项目号:131031109000150003);广东省医学科学技术研究基金项目(A2021318);广州市卫生健康科技重大项目(编号:2021A031003);广州市高水平临床重点专科建设项目(穗卫函[2019]1555号) |
Analysis of influencing factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in construction workers |
YANG Yan,ZENG Jian-cheng,LI Gang,SHAO Hua,WANG Ru-gang,WANG Zhong-xu,LIU Yi-min,WANG Zhi,JIA Ning
Guangzhou Municipal Prevention,and Treatment Hospital for Occupational Diseases,Guangzhou 510620,China
Abstract: Objective To analyze the incidence and its influencing factors of multi-site work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs)in construction workers. Methods A total of 453 construction workers from 8 construction companies distributed in Liaoning,Guangdong,Shandong,etc. provinces,and Beijing city were selected as the research objects by convenience sampling,and the electronic version of“Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire”was used to investigate the incidence of multi-site WMSDs,meanwhile,the influencing factors were analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression as well. Results The results showed that the total incidence rate of WMSDs in construction workers was 43. 7%,the incidence rates of WMSDs in various body parts were as follows:lower back 24.1%,shoulder 18.3%, neck 14.6%,upper back 12.4%, wrist 12.1%,and 6.0% for ankles,5.5% for legs,5.1% for the knees and 5.1% for the elbows,furthermore,the average incidence of WMSDs of single site was 14.8%,and that of multiple sites(two or more sites at the same time)was 28.9%. The multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that always carring heavy objects(more than 10 kg),working in an uncomfortable posture,keeping neck in same position for a long time,and often taking over another's shifts were the risks of increasing the multi-site WMSDs,and the OR(95%CI)were 1.884(1.120- 3.169),5.223(2.856-9.551),2.587(1.580-4.238),and 2.198(1.209-3.997),respectively. Compared with auxiliary worker,woodworkers showed the leading risk of multi-site WMSDs [OR(95%CI)2.813(1.409-5.617)]. Conclusion The results suggested that the construction workers had a higher risk of WMSDs,and multi-site WMSDs seemed more common than single site WMSDs. The related risks include individual factors,adverse ergonomics condition and work organization,etc. Therefore,the effective prevention and control strategies must be formulated and implemented to reduce the risk of WMSDs among construction workers. |
Keywords: work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs) multi-site construction workers influencing factors |