摘 要: 目的 探讨心理资本在职业紧张与睡眠质量之间的中介作用,为提高医务人员的睡眠质量提供理论依据。方法 2021年4月,采用整群抽样的方法对上海市 1046名医务人员进行职业紧张、心理资本和睡眠质量问卷调查。问卷包括人口学及工作相关特征调查、工作内容问卷、心理资本问卷和匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表。采用独立样本t检验、单因素方差分析、χ2 检验进行单因素分析,检验关键变量在人口学和工作相关特征上分布的差异;对职业紧张、心理资本和睡眠质量间的关系进行偏相关分析; 采用 Bootstrap法检验心理资本及其自我效能、希望、韧性和乐观4个维度在职业紧张和睡眠质量之间的中介作用。结果 医务人员职业紧张和睡眠障碍的阳性率分别为 73.7%(771/1046)和34.6% (362/1046)。职业紧张和睡眠质量在不同性别、日工作时长、每月轮值夜班上分布不同;年龄、婚育状况、岗位、轮值夜班是影响医务人员心理资本及其各维度的重要因素。职业紧张与心理资本和睡眠质量均呈负相关,心理资本与睡眠质量呈正相关;心理资本及其4个维度在职业紧张和睡眠质量之间起部分中介作用,整合的心理资本比单一维度的影响力更显著,占总效应的 29.7%。结论 医务人员的职业紧张通过损害心理资本而降低睡眠质量,在难以降低职业紧张程度的情况下,增加心理资本是改善医务人员睡眠质量的有效途径。 |
关键词: 职业紧张 心理资本 睡眠质量 中介作用 |
中图分类号: R395. 6
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 上海市加强公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划(2023—2025年)重点学科建设———超大城市重点场所环境健康风险评估与干预策
略研究(GWVI-11. 1-38);2021年度上海市卫生健康地方标准预研制项目———医务人员职业紧张风险管理导则(2021WB24) |
Mediating effect of psychological capital between occupational stress and sleep quality among medical staff |
LI Jiahui, CHEN Jian, YANG Huiying, YANG Sijia
Institute of Public Service and Health Safety Evaluation, Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
Shanghai 200336, China
Abstract: Objective To explore the mediating role of psychological capital between occupational stress and sleep quality,thereby provide a theoretical basis for improving the sleep quality of medical staff. Methods In April 2021, a questionnaire survey on occupational stress, psychological capital and sleep quality was conducted among 1 046 medical staff in Shanghai using cluster sampling. The questionnaires included a survey of demographic and work-related characteristics, a job content questionnaire, a psychological capital questionnaire, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale; univariate analysis was conducted using independent samples t-test, One-way ANOVA, and chi-square test for One-way analyses to examine the differences in the distribution of key variables across demography and job characteristics. The partial correlation analysis on the relationship among occupational stress, psychological capital, and sleep quality was conducted; Bootstrap method was used to test the mediating effect of psychological capital and its four dimensions (self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism) between occupational stress and sleep quality. Results The results showed that the incidence rates of occupational stress and sleep disorder among medical staff were 73. 7% and 34. 6%, respectively; the distribution of occupational stress and sleep quality varied among different genders, daily working hours, and monthly night shift frequency; age, marriage and childbirth status, job position, and night shift frequency were important factors affecting the psychological capital and various dimensions of medical staff. Occupational stress was negatively associated with both psychological capital and sleep quality, and psychological capital was positively associated with sleep quality, psychological capital and its four dimensions partially mediated the relationship between occupational stress and sleep quality, and the impact of integrated psychological capital was more significant than that of any individual dimension,accounting for 29. 7% of the total effect. Conclusion The results suggested that the occupational stress may decrease sleep quality by impairing psychological capital in medical staff, while increasing psychological capital is an effective way to improve the sleep quality, especially in the situation where it is difficult to reduce occupational stress. |
Keywords: occupational stress psychological capital sleep quality mediating effect |