摘 要: 目的 探讨国内外计算机视觉综合征 (computer vision syndrome, CVS) 的研究现状与热点。 方法 在中国知网、万方中文数据库与维普数据库, Web of Science、 PubMed、 Embase 及 Google Scholar 检索发表于 2000—2022 年关于CVS 研究的中文和英文文献, 分别采用 NoteExpress 文献管理软件及 CiteSpace 软件对符合纳入标准的文献进行整理和可视化分析。 结果 共纳入 423 篇中文文献 (学位论文 41 篇)、 1 085 篇英文文献, 文献发表数量总体呈逐年递增趋势(r = 0. 986, P<0. 01)。 视频显示终端 (video display terminal, VDT)、 视疲劳 (asthenopia)、 干眼症 (dry eye)、 职业健康 (occupational health)、 学生 (student)、 视屏作业 (VDT operation) 等为中、 英文文献的高频关键词, 中药熏蒸、 七叶洋地黄双苷滴眼液为中文文献的高频关键词, 新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 为 2020 年以来英文文献的高频关键词。 英文文献侧重于从人机工效学方面探讨预防 CVS 的方法, 而中文文献则从中医药治疗如中药熏蒸、 中药滴眼液、 针刺、 耳穴等方面探索改善 CVS 的办法。 结论 CVS 研究逐渐受到学者们的重视, 采用中医药治疗 CVS 具有一定的优势和较好的研究前景。(r = 0. 986, P<0. 01)。 视频显示终端 (video display terminal, VDT)、 视疲劳 (asthenopia)、 干眼症 (dry eye)、 职业健康 (occupational health)、 学生 (student)、 视屏作业 (VDT operation) 等为中、 英文文献的高频关键词, 中药熏蒸、 七叶洋地黄双苷滴眼液为中文文献的高频关键词, 新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 为 2020 年以来英文文献的高频关键词。 英文文献侧重于从人机工效学方面探讨预防 CVS 的方法, 而中文文献则从中医药治疗如中药熏蒸、 中药滴眼液、 针刺、耳穴等方面探索改善 CVS 的办法。 结论 CVS 研究逐渐受到学者们的重视, 采用中医药治疗 CVS 具有一定的优势和较好的研究前景。 |
关键词: 计算机视觉综合征(CVS) 视屏作业 文献计量学 |
中图分类号: R779. 1
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 国家卫生健康委职业安全卫生研究中心 2023年度自管科研项目(ZY-2023-QN05-01) |
Bibliometric analysis of computer vision syndrome |
CHEN Mingfeng, WANG Haijiao, ZHANG Jianfang, LIU Zequan, FAN Jingguang
National Center for Occupational Safety and Health and Key Laboratory for Engineering Control of Dust Hazard, NHC, Beijing 102308, China
Abstract: Objective To explore the research status and hotspot in computer vision syndrome (CVS) both domestically and internationally. Methods The Chinese and English literatures on CVS research published from 2000 to 2022 were searched on CNKI, Wanfang Chinese database and VIP database, Web of Science, PubMed, Embase and Google Scholar, NoteExpress literature management software and CiteSpace software were used for organize and visualize the literatures that met the inclusion criteria. Results The results showed that a total of 423 Chinese literature (including 41 dissertations) and 1 085 English literature were obtained, and the overall number of publications showed an increasing trend year by year (r = 0. 986, P<0. 01); video display terminal (VDT), asthenopia, dry eye, occupational health, student, and VDT operation were the high-frequency keywords in both Chinese and English literatures, while traditional Chinese medicine fumigation and seven leaf digitalis glycoside eye drops were the high-frequency keywords in Chinese literatures, COVID-19 was the high-frequency keyword in English literatures since 2020; the English literatures focused on exploring methods for prevention of CVS from the perspective of ergonomics, while theChinese literatures explored ways of improving CVS from traditional Chinese medicine treatments such as fumigation, eye drops,acupuncture and ear acupoints. Conclusion The results suggested that the research on CVS has been gradually received attention from scholars, and that the Chinese medicine therapy for CVS has certain advantages and has good research prospect. |
Keywords: computer vision syndrome (CVS) VDT operation bibliometrics |