摘 要: 目的 通过对9例曼陀罗中毒临床表现和急救护理的回顾性分析,提高对急性曼陀罗中毒的认识,优化急救护理措施。方法 回顾性分析9例曼陀罗中毒患者的症状体征、急救措施和护理要点。结果 曼陀罗中毒后患者相继出现口干、黏膜干燥、面色潮红、瞳孔散大、视物模糊、恶心呕吐、腹痛腹泻、发热、尿潴留、心率增快等M型胆碱能神经阻断症状,部分患者伴随躁动不安、幻听幻视、胡言乱语、谵妄、抽搐、痉挛、昏迷等中枢神经损伤症状。经过积极抢救和精心护理, 所有患者均治愈出院。结论 早期彻底洗胃及全胃肠道灌洗、使用特效解毒剂、严密观察病情是曼陀罗中毒成功救治的关键。 |
关键词: 曼陀罗 中毒 护理 |
中图分类号: R595. 4
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 江苏省“333工程”培养资金资助项目(BRA2018262);宿迁市科技计划项目(Z2019181,S202204) |
Clinical nursing of 9 patients with acute datura poisoning |
ZHAO Chunyun,WANG Shuangshuang,SU Yingzhe,WANG Li,SUN Ming,WU Chao
Suqian Hospital Affiliated to Xüzhou Medical University/Department of Emergency Medicine Suqian Peoples Hospital,
Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Group, Suqian, Jiangsu 223800, China
Abstract: Objective Through the retrospective analysis of 9 cases of datura poisoning clinical manifestations and emergency nursing, improve the understanding of datura poisoning, reduce misdiagnosis, in order to achieve timely and standardized treatment. Methods The symptoms, signs, emergency measures and nursing points of 9 cases of datura poisoning were analyzed retrospectively. Results Patients with poisoning showed symptoms of peripheral M-type cholinergic nerve block, such as dry mouth, dry mucous membrane, flushed face, dilated pupils, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, fever, urine retention, increased heart rate, and some of them were accompanied by restlessness, delirium, auditory hallucination, convulsions, spasms and coma of the central nervous system injury symptoms. All patients were cured and discharged after active rescue and careful nursing. Conclusion Accurate identification of datura poisoning, early thorough gastric lavage and whole gastrointestinal lavage, the use of special antidotes, strict observation of the condition are the keys to successful rescue. |
Keywords: datura poisoning nursing |