摘 要: 目的 明确井工煤矿存在的职业病危害因素及关键控制点,研究职业病危害防控对策。方法 2022年采用现场职业卫生调查、职业病危害因素检测等方法对黑龙江省某井工煤矿进行职业病危害现状进行调查。结果 该煤矿存在煤尘、矽尘、噪声等职业病危害因素,其中1个工种煤尘浓度超标,2个工种矽尘浓度超标,2个工种噪声强度超标。粉尘超标率为18.75%,噪声超标率为12.50%,其他检测结果均符合职业接触限值要求。职业病防护设施、个体防护用品、职业卫生管理符合要求,职业健康监护有待加强。结论 该煤矿应加强防尘、减振降噪等防护设施维护,制定合理的劳动作息制度,完善职业健康检查项目,定期开展职业卫生教育培训与宣传,进一步保障劳动者的职业健康。 |
关键词: 井工煤矿 职业病危害 防控对策 |
基金项目: |
Research on occupational disease hazards current situation and control countermeasures in a mine enterprise |
jiajinyang, wujiaqi
National Center for Occupational Safety and Health, NHC
Abstract: Objective To identify the occupational hazards existing in a underground mine enterprise and their critical control points, to research on occupational disease hazard prevention and control countermeasures. Methods In 2022, the current situation of occupational disease hazards was investigated by an on-site occupational health survey and occupational disease hazard detection methods for a underground mine enterprise in Heilongjiang Province. Results The mine enterprise exist coal dust, silica dust, noise and other occupational hazards, of which 1 coal dust concentration exceeds the standard, 2 silica dust concentration exceeds the standard, 2 noise intensity exceeds the standard. The dust excess rate was 18.75%, and the noise exceeded rate was 11.76%, other test results are in line with the occupational exposure limits. The enterprise occupational disease prevention facilities, personal protective equipment, and occupational health management conform the requirements, and occupational health surveillance needs to be strengthened. Conclusion The mine should enhance the maintenance of protective facilities such as dust prevention, vibration and noise reduction, formulate a reasonable labor and rest system, improve the occupational health surveillance items, regularly carry out occupational health education, training and publicity, to further protect the occupational health of workers. |
Keywords: Underground mine Occupational hazards Control countermeasures |