摘 要: 目的 了解南昌市汽车4s店的职业卫生现状,为该行业的职业卫生管理工作提供参考依据。方法 采用整群抽样的方法,选取5个县区共35家汽车4S店进行职业卫生管理情况的调查和三种重要的职业病危害因素(苯、二甲苯、噪声)的现场监测。结果 覆盖在册职工共计2473人,接触职业病危害因素总人数为323人,接害率为13.1%。化学毒物的接害人数为105人,其中单纯接触苯的有28人,单纯接触二甲苯的有43人,同时接触苯和二甲苯的有34人。职业性噪声的接害人数为323人。同时接触化学毒物和噪声的有105人。有30家汽车4S店进行了用人单位负责人和职业卫生管理人员的培训,接触职业病危害因素劳动者的培训人数共计292人。定点二甲苯有3个数值超标,合格率为89.28%;个体二甲苯有1个数值超标,合格率为96.43%。定点噪声有28个数值超标,合格率为82.39%;个体噪声有2个数值超标,合格率为98.11%。苯的检测值未超标。结论 南昌市汽车4S店的职业卫生现况较好,但仍需注重职业卫生的管理。 |
关键词: 汽车4S店 汽车维修 职业卫生 职业病危害 |
基金项目: |
Cross-sectional investigation on occupational health of 35 automobile 4S shops in Nanchang |
fu yi hong,fan guang qin
school of public health,nanchang university
Abstract: Objective To research the current status of occupational health of automobile 4s shops in Nanchang, and to provide reference for the occupational health management of this industry. Methods A total of 35 automobile 4S shops in 5 counties were selected by cluster sampling to investigate the occupational health management and monitor three important occupational hazards (benzene, xylene and 作者简介:付懿泓(2000—),女,在读全日制硕士,研究方向:职业环境与健康;范广勤,教授,E-mail:fanguangqin@ncu.edu.cn; |
Keywords: Automobile 4S shops Automobile repair enterprise Occupational health Occupational disease hazards |