摘 要: 目的 探讨冶金行业女职工妇科疾病罹患情况及可能影响因素。方法 采用横断面调查方法,对10个省(市)冶金行业3 739名女职工开展问卷调查。结果 3 739名冶金行业女职工妇科疾病比例为40.63%(1 519/3 739)。不同年龄、工龄和婚姻状况女工妇科疾病患病比例的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),表现为随着年龄的增长患妇科疾病的比例增高,36岁以上女工妇科疾病的患病比例明显高于低年龄段;工龄≥6年者患病比例高于工龄≤5年者;接触职业有害因素女职工妇科疾病的患病比例明显高于不接触职业有害因素者。冶金行业女职工所患的妇科疾病排在前三位的是:乳腺增生(15.35%,574/3 739),阴道炎(11.87%,444/3 739),子宫肌瘤(8.16%,305/3 739)。工作状态和工作姿势为冶金行业女职工上述疾病发生的影响因素。轮班作业女工乳腺增生、阴道炎和恶性肿瘤的比例高于不轮班者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);长时间站立女职工乳腺增生、阴道炎、子宫肌瘤和恶性肿瘤的比例高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);接触有害因素女职工患乳腺增生、阴道炎、子宫肌瘤和恶性肿瘤的比例高于不接触有害因素的女职工,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 冶金行业女职工妇科疾病发病率较高,应进一步加强职业卫生保护和健康管理,减轻职业有害因素对生殖健康带来的的不良影响。 |
关键词: 冶金行业 女职工 妇科疾病 |
中图分类号: R711
基金项目: 决策咨询类课题——妇女健康生殖健康和心理健康调查(编号:FH20151101) |
Investigation and analysis on gynecological diseases among female workers in metallurgical industry |
Zhang Lijiang, Yu Wenlan, Rui Baolin, Xue Yang, Yu Huimin
Urumqi Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Urumqi 830002, China
Abstract: Objective To explore the prevalence status of gynecological diseases and its influence factors in female workers of metallurgical industry. Methods A total of 3739 female workers from metallurgical industry distributed in ten provinces/cities of China were investigated with questionnaire by cross-sectional survey. Results The results showed that the percentage of 3739 female workers suffering from gynecological diseases in metallurgical industries was 40.63%(1 519/3 739), which had significant differences among the age, working age and marital status (P<0.05), for example, with the growth of age, the prevalence of gynecological diseases was increased, the prevalence of this kind of disease in female workers over 36 years old was significantly higher than that of the low age workers; the prevalence in senior workers with working age over 6 years was higher than that with working age less than 5 years; and the prevalence in workers exposed to occupational harmful factors was also significantly higher than that without harmful factors exposure. The top three diseases of gynecological diseases were breast hyperplasia 15.35% (574/3 739), vaginitis 11.87% (444/3 739) and fibroids 8.16% (305/3 739), and the working condition and working posture of female workers in metallurgical industry were the adverse influence factors of these diseases. For example, the percentages of breast hyperplasia, vaginitis and malignant tumor were higher in shift female workers (P<0.05); the percentages of breast hyperplasia, vaginitis, fibroids and malignant tumor were higher in workers with long time standing work (P<0.05); and the percentages of breast hyperplasia, fibroids and malignant tumor in workers exposed to the occupational harmful factors were also higher than that of non-exposed workers (P<0.05). Conclusion The results suggested that the status of gynecological diseases among female workers of metallurgical industry was not so optimistic, the occupational health protection and occupational health management should be further strengthen, thereby reduce the adverse effect of occupational hazards on reproductive health of female workers. |
Keywords: metallurgical industry female workers gynecological diseases |