摘 要: 目的 了解铁路行业女职工生殖健康状况,探讨生殖健康对心理健康影响的危险因素,为制定铁路行业女职工劳动保护规定提供科学参考。方法 采用整群抽样方法,选取济南、南宁、青藏、武汉铁路系统女职工作为研究人群,采用统一编制调查表,用Epidata3.1软件建立数据库,SPSS22.0软件进行统计处理。结果 铁路女职工常见妇科疾病患病率为28.5%,发病前两位的是子宫肌瘤、阴道炎,主要发病年龄36~45岁;月经异常率20.4%,主要表现为经量异常和周期紊乱。单因素分析发现,阴道炎、外阴瘙痒和白带增多与心理健康问题有关。多因素logistic分析发现,月经异常以及外阴瘙痒或白带增多是影响心理健康的生殖道疾患危险因素。 结论 建议采取积极有效的健康促进措施,增强铁路女工的自我保健意识和技能,及早治愈生殖系统疾患。同时,采取心理干预措施,减轻心理压力,缓解职业紧张。 |
关键词: 铁路女职工 生殖健康 心理健康 影响因素 |
中图分类号: R711;R395.6
基金项目: 决策咨询类课题——妇女健康生殖健康和心理健康调查(编号:FH20151101) |
Status of reproductive health and its effect on psychological health in female railway workers |
Ji Fuling, Liu Zhisheng, Zou Jianfang, Yu Wenlan, Li Hongmei, Li Juan, Kong Lingmin, Jiang Qian
Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao Municipal Institute of Preventive
Medicine, Qingdao 266033, China
Abstract: Objective To investigate reproductive health status of female railway workers and explore the effect on reproductive health for mental health and its effect factor, so that to provide reference for preparing the labor protective policy on railway female workers. Methods Female workers from Jinan, Nanning, Qingzang and Wuhan railway industry were chosen as research subjects by cluster sampling. A uniform questionnaire was used to collect the data, Epidata3.1 was used to establish database and SPSS22.0 was used to analyze the data. Results The results showed that the prevalence rate of gynecological disease is 28.5% in these workers, the top two diseases among those diseases were fibroids and vaginitis, the onset age were 36~45 years old. The prevalence rate of abnormal menstruation was 20.4%, main manifestations were abnormal menstrual volume and menstrual cycle disorder. Single factor analysis found that the incidences of vaginitis, pruritus vulvae and increased leucorrhea were related to mental health problems; multifactor logistic analysis found that menstrual abnormalities, pruritus vulvae and increased leucorrhea were the important risk factors of genital tract disorders affecting mental health. Conclusion It was suggested that active and effective health promotion measures should be taken and the genital tract disorders must receive treatment as soon as possible; meanwhile, the psychological intervention measures should be implement as well to reduce psychological stress and relieve occupational tension. |
Keywords: railway female worker reproductive health mental health influence factor |