摘 要: 目的 测量核医学工作人员甲状腺131I活度,进一步估算吸入131I对人体产生的内照射剂量。方法 使用刻度过的NaI便携式γ谱仪对三家医院核医学科97名工作人员进行甲状腺和大腿部131I测量。扣除本底,将甲状腺测量结果转化为摄入量,进而计算全年131I摄入量和待积有效剂量。结果 31名(32%)测量对象甲状腺131I活度大于最低探测活度,活度范围25.11~1 980.30 Bq。假设核医学工作人员在吸入F类形式的131I、监测周期为30 d的情况下,推算的131I年摄入量导致的待积有效剂量最大值为7.47 mSv,88.66%工作人员每年131I摄入量所致的待积有效剂量<2 mSv。结论 核医学人员受到的内照射应该受到关注,从职业健康的角度出发,该职业群体应接受常规的甲状腺131I监测。 |
关键词: 核医学 甲状腺 131I 内照射剂量 |
中图分类号: R144
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 河南省医学科技攻关计划项目(2018020112) |
Measurement of 131I in thyroid of nuclear medicine workers and estimation of internal dose |
WANG Hong-bo,SUN Quan-fu,GUO Yue-xin
Department of Radiotherapy,First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,China
Abstract: Objective To measure the activity of 131I in thyroid gland of nuclear medicine workers and further estimate the internal radiation dose of inhaled 131I on human body. Methods 131I activity in thyroid glands and thighs of 97 nuclear medicine workers from three hospitals were successively measured with a calibrated Nal protable γ-spectrometer. Convert the thyroid measurement results into intake,then the annual intake of 131I and the committed effective dose were calculated. Results The results showed that 31 respondents(32%)had higher thyroid 131I activity than the lowest detectable limit,the activity range was 25.11 to 1 980.30 Bq. Suppose that the inhalation form of 131I was class F,the monitoring cycle was 30 days,the estimated maximum committed effective dose resulting from annual intake of 131I,was 7.47 mSv;and 88.66% of the investigated staff had a committed effective dose of less than 2 mSv due to the intake of 131I every year. Conclusion The results suggested that the internal exposure of nuclear medical personnel should be paid attention to,from the view point of occupational health,the occupational group should receive routine thyroid 131 I monitoring. |
Keywords: nuclear medicine thyroid iodine 131(131I) internal dose |