摘 要: 目的 了解天津市疾病预防控制机构应对中毒事件的卫生应急能力现状。方法 通过问卷调查,了解全市16家区级疾病预防控制机构的总体情况、应急队伍、监测预警、应急处置、 应急物资、应急检测方面的状况。结果16家疾控机构均建立应急处置队伍,部分应急处置队伍人员配置不足,文化程度、专业职称结构有待优化。75%的机构开展突发中毒事件信息监测和报告工作,但并未形成高效、系统、有序的监测预警机制。各机构在应急处置工作中,对中毒现场控制指导和实施方面的重点环节工作有待完善。各机构应急预案及方案建设工作开展不足。个体防护装备方面,部分防护装备配备较少,平均配备率为66.0%。现场毒物快速检测设备及实验室检测仪器平均配备率为20.0%、45.8%,应急物资匮乏。应急检测能力水平各异, 部分机构尚未掌握基本检测技能。各机构应急演练开展情况欠佳。结论 天津市疾病预防控制机构的突发职业中毒事件卫生应急能力尚存在诸多不足, 在人员队伍建设、物资储备、检测能力等方面需采取相应措施, 全面提高卫生应急能力。 |
关键词: 疾病预防控制机构 中毒事件 应急能力 |
中图分类号: R135. 1
文献标识码: A
基金项目: 天津市医学重点建设学科项目(TJYXZDXK-066B) |
Investigation on emergency response capability to poisoning accidents of disease control and prevention institutions in Tianjin city |
LI Xüdong,LIU Baofeng,QIN Runan,TANG Huijing,ZENG Qiang
Institute for Occupational Health, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China
Abstract: Objective To understand the current situation of the poisoning emergency response capability of disease control and prevention institutions in Tianjin city. Methods Through questionnaire survey, including the overall situation, emergency teams, monitoring and warning, emergency response, emergency supplies, and emergency testing of 16 district level disease control and prevention institutions. Results Among the 16 disease control institutions, all institutions have established emergency response teams, and the number of emergency response team members is insufficient, and the structure of academic qualifications and professional titles needs to be optimized. Seventy-five percent of institutions carry out information monitoring and reporting of poisoning incidents, but have not formed an efficient, systematic, and orderly monitoring and warning mechanism. The key links in the guidance and implementation of on-site control of poisoning in emergency response work of various institutions need to be
improved. The construction of emergency plans and schemes of various institutions are insufficient. In terms of personal protective equipment, some protective equipment is equipped with less, and the average equipment is 66. 0%; the average equipping rate of toxic rapid detection equipment and laboratory testing instruments is 20. 0%, 45. 8%, and there is a shortage of emergency supplies. The level of emergency detection capability varies, and some institutions have not mastered the basic detection capabilities. Conclusion There are still many deficiencies in the health emergency response capability of Tianjin disease control and prevention institutions for occupational poisoning accidents. Corresponding measures should be taken to improve the health emergency response capability comprehensively in the aspects of personnel construction, material storage and detection capability. |
Keywords: disease control and prevention institutions poisoning incidents emergency response capability |